5th Grade Disclosure, 2019-2020, Norma Iglesias

Salt Lake Arts Academy 2017-2018

Math 5 Disclosure Document

Ms. Norma Iglesias

Office - Room 101, [email protected]

Course Information

We use Bridges for Mathematics by the Math Learning Center, a curriculum designed to develop students’ deep understandings of mathematical concepts, build proficiency with key skills, and give them the ability to solve complex and novel problems. We focus on the process of working through problems, talking about that process, and ultimately developing critical thinking skills which translate to problem solving in everyday life. Bridges is the sister program to our main math curriculum, CPM (College Preparatory Math). Both of these programs endorse a ‘growth’ mindset versus a ‘fixed’ mindset. Growth mindset incorporates the idea that we can ‘grow’ our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. Rather than ‘being smart’ or ‘not smart’ about a certain subject, this vital theory believes that ALL can develop various abilities through dedication and hard work, instead of relying on fixed ‘talent’ or ‘intelligence’. For more information on growth mindset principles, google search psychologist/researcher Carol Dweck and mathematician Jo Boaler.

In compliance with the Utah Core State Standards for Grade 5 Mathematics, we will be covering the following concepts with the Bridges Program this year:

Operations and Algebraic Thinking: numerical expressions, analyze patterns/relationships

Number and Operations in Base Ten: place value system, operations with multi-digit numbers and decimals

Number and Operations in Fractions: add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions

Measurement and Data: convert like measurement units, represent/interpret data, volume

Geometry: graph points on coordinate plane, 2 dimensional figures

In order to break down common barriers that students have with learning math and to reach all students, challenging concepts will be taught and reviewed using various methods, i.e. Direct Instruction, cooperative partner work, small group learning, math games and the computer program ST Math.  

Homework is an integral part of our math program, as it provides ‘practice’ with the process of math and develops responsibility. It is not about ‘getting the right answer’.


Grades in this course are based on the following:

  • Proficiency: 30%weekly quizzes, various independent work, and informal assessments/observations, 70% assessments
  • Participation/Effort/Preparation/Risk-taking (PEPR): homework, participation and classwork.
  • Cooperation/Attitude/Behavior (CAB): attitude and good classroom behavior.

Absences and tardies will greatly impact grades!

Absences  Students are responsible for any missed work, and can check this on Google Classroom or ask me.

Late and No Name Work

Homework is due on the next school day after it has been assigned.  Work up to 5 school days late will be accepted for less credit. After 5 days, assignments will not be accepted.  You will see this final due date referred to as the Drop Dead Date on Google Classroom.

Work with no name rarely makes its way back to the student.  Work with no name work will be not be graded. PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON ALL YOUR WORK!!

Students are expected to keep a planner/calendar to record assignments!

Classroom behavior

All students are expected to actively participate in class discussions, and to be courteous and respectful to each other and the teacher.  No cell phones or electronics are allowed in class. Being prepared and on time is critical for your student’s progress. Families are asked to support these basic requirements. Our classroom follows these main rules:

  1. Follow directions the first time given.          
  2. Keep hands, feet and all other objects to yourself.
  1. Use appropriate actions and words.
  2. Be respectful of each other and the teacher.
  3. Do not be disruptive in class.


Discipline follows the policies outlined in the SLAA student handbook and also the PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) Guidelines.

A ‘working lunch’, parent contact/e-mails/meetings, and staying after school for 1:1 teacher support, are all examples of consequences that may be given for misconduct, refusal to complete work and/or make effort, being unprepared, tardy, etc. There are also many opportunities for students to earn rewards, privileges, etc. for being a responsible student and following RISE (Respect, Inclusion, Safety, Empathy) guidelines.

Student Responsibilities:

Be prepared each day with required materials: pencil, eraser, binder

Follow classroom and math discussion rules

Actively engage in learning

Complete homework and projects on time

Parent Responsibilities:

Take an active role in your student’s education

Check Compass and Google Classroom frequently for grades and assignments

Monitor/set aside time at home for homework

Teacher Responsibilities:

Actively work to engage all students at their level

Adequately prepare all materials

Create an environment of curiosity that includes all RISE components

My main goals are for students to learn to love math, to develop and enhance their critical thinking and to develop the ability to problem solve in everyday life.


Parent and teacher communication is important for your student’s success in my class. Consultations/meetings may be scheduled after school on certain days. E-mail is the quickest and most efficient method of contact..

Please allow me 24-48 hours to respond to any e-mails. Information about class assignments and activities can always be found on the classroom board, school emails and through handouts. Students are expected to keep a planner/calendar to record assignments!

I look forward to a successful and exciting first year for your student at Salt Lake Arts Academy!


Norma Iglesias

[email protected]

Please sign and return the following portion of this disclosure within the first two weeks of school. Thank you.


Disclosure Signatures                                                                         Date:______________________

Student name: __________________________________________                                 


Student signature:________________________________________                                                          

I  (We) have read and understood the open disclosure,

Parent/Guardian name(s):____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature(s):_________________________________________________________________