Governing Board FAQs

Salt Lake Arts Academy is an accredited charter school funded by State funds, some Federal funds, and some “Local” funds (student-funded activities, student fees and private contributions.) The Utah State Charter School Board is our “Authorizer." (See for more information.) SLArts, like all public charter schools, is accountable to our Authorizer and the Utah State Board of Education.

SLArts acts as our own “Local Education Agency” (LEA) so the SLArts Governing Board can be thought of as equivalent in scope (if not reach) to a District school board, and the Principal/CAO to a District Superintendent. The Board serves as the school’s Land Trust Council, and reviews and approves the annual plan to use the funds distributed from the state’s Schoolchildren’s Land Trust. Board members must complete the annual state School Land Trust training as well as the online training for Open and Public Meetings provided by the Utah State Auditor’s office.


What is the role of the SLArts Governing Board?

The Board is responsible for hiring and evaluating the Principal/CAO and Business Manager. They provide fiduciary guidance and oversight, set school policy and academic goals, ensure adequate resources for the school, and serve as ambassadors and advocates in the community. The SLArts Board plans for and safeguards the school’s future. The Board is not responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school.The SLArts Board focuses on the “ends” and delegates to Administration the authority to meet the ends, using the “means” the admin team recommends. 

Are there special requirements to serve as a Governing Board Member?

Any parent (past, present, or future) or community member is eligible to serve on the Board. There are no specific requirements, though experience in finance, law, education, the arts, community advocacy, and more are especially useful. The only real requirement is a commitment to the school and the time to fulfill Board responsibilities.

How long are Board terms and how many terms can an individual serve?

Board terms last three years and board members may renew for a second term.

What is the time commitment?

Board members can expect to spend 2-4 hours per month in meetings and board work, give or take depending on committee assignments and optional tasks. Special circumstances may require additional time for emergency meetings but this is rare.

When does the Board meet?

The Board currently meets bimonthly on the third Monday of the month at 5:30pm in room 201 at SLArts. Making meetings monthly rather than bimonthly is currently being discussed. It’s also important to note that the Monday at 5:30 meeting time is not set in stone – each Board can change the meeting at their own discretion to best meet the scheduling needs of members and the current workload.


How do nominations work?

Anyone in the SLArts community can be nominated or nominate themselves for open Board positions. A complete nomination will include a brief conversation with a member of the board Governance Committee, a completed nomination form, and submission of a CV/resume.

What happens after I’m nominated or nominate someone else?

Once a nomination form has been filled out the prospective member will have a short conversation with a member of the Governance committee to answer any additional questions. References will be called. Prospective members are invited to attend a Board meeting to introduce themselves. The formal process for adding new Board members requires that we present each nomination and then vote to accept (or not) the nomination after Board discussion. We then post the nomination for public review for at least one month before holding a final vote.

What is the structure of the Board?

Leadership positions on the Governing Board include Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Treasurer. Each committee (Finance, Governance, Development / Community Outreach, Ad Hoc committees) also has an appointed Chair. 

What do the standing committees do?

  • The Governance Committee serves as the “Executive Committee” of the Board and is composed of Board Officers – Chair, Chair-elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. Governance sets the agenda for Board meetings, conducts yearly evaluations of the Principal and Business manager, and leads the nominating process for new Board members. The Governance committee is also charged with evaluating and steering the overall work of the Board.
  • The Finance Committee sets the budget in collaboration with the Business Manager. Finance meets monthly to monitor school finances and makes recommendations to the full Board on financial matters.
  • The Development and Community Outreach Committee works closely with the school Advancement Director to set fundraising goals for the school. This committee supports community outreach, admissions activities, and marketing efforts to potential students, donors and supporters as well as assisting with fundraising event planning and implementation,

How many Board members are there? 

The current goal is a 14-member Board, but there is no set number of openings. The Board has been bigger and smaller in the past, and the number reflects ongoing discussions within the Board.


What are Board member expectations?

  • Check Board email daily and respond to messages in a timely manner
  • Read all material sent in advance of meetings (financial statements, meeting minutes etc.) and be ready to discuss
  • Complete all state-mandated training sessions by the dates required 
  • Attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings and emergency Board meeting as needed 
  • Participate on at least one Board committee
  • Make at least one financial gift per year to the school -- size of gift is less important than 100% participation!
  • Attend school fundraisers and events.


Are there any additional requirements?

If elected to the board, all new members are required to participate in a background check conducted by the State, paid for by the school.

What support does SLArts provide to the Board?

  • A commitment to use your time well
  • Accurate and timely information for your review
  • Timely announcements regarding school events and activities
  • Administrative support for the work of the Board
  • Our gratitude for your service!