Dismissal / Pick-Up Policy
As a downtown school, we consider ourselves situated on an "Urban Campus" --- meaning we are within areas with both rich cultural resources and diverse populations, including many transient individuals or small groups. In light of this, it is up to parents to determine how to have their child head home from school in the best way for their own family.
At 3:05 p.m. Monday-Thursday, our regular school day ends, and on Friday, the day ends at 12:35 p.m. All students who are NOT in After School are expected to leave the building for pick-up, carpools, walking home, heading to the bus/Trax stops, or taking their skateboards, scooters & bikes, and be on their way. We expect students to continue to model respectful behavior out in the community and take responsibility for their actions whether they are walking along the neighborhood sidewalks or on public transportation.
Students may NOT wait in the Main Office or hallways until their ride arrives. We ask that you refrain from telling your child to "wait in the Office" unless they have been directed to do so by a teacher or school Administrator. We will ask them to leave if we have not worked out an appointment or reason beforehand. They may wait in front of the school at the top of the stairs or in another public location determined by your family. Children waiting for rides are not considered part of the After School program. Please be timely when picking up your child or carpool!
Students who are enrolled in After School, experience our short, daily routine of checking in, grabbing a snack, and hanging out on our north field until Instructors come to take them to their respective classes. When those classes end, we have the same dismissal policy as the end-of-day routine. This does not alter while the daylight savings time changes, nor necessarily with inclement weather. If you know you would like to have your child wait inside, please know the end time of your child's class and be available for pick-up on or before that time.
Students may NOT wait in the Main Office or hallways until their ride arrives. We ask that you refrain from telling your child to "wait in the Office" unless they have been directed to do so by a teacher or school Administrator. We will ask them to leave if we have not worked out an appointment or reason beforehand. They may wait in front of the school at the top of the stairs or in another public location determined by your family. Children waiting for rides are not considered part of the After School program. Please be timely when picking up your child or carpool!
Students who are enrolled in After School, experience our short, daily routine of checking in, grabbing a snack, and hanging out on our north field until Instructors come to take them to their respective classes. When those classes end, we have the same dismissal policy as the end-of-day routine. This does not alter while the daylight savings time changes, nor necessarily with inclement weather. If you know you would like to have your child wait inside, please know the end time of your child's class and be available for pick-up on or before that time.
If you know you will be later than 5 minutes on a regular basis, or you simply want to have them inside or with our extended group, please simply sign up for our Extended Day program. This is an unstructured time AFTER THEIR ENROLLED ENRICHMENT CLASS ENDS, where kids can hang out together and not be expected to do homework unless he or she has the incentive on their own.
Late fees will be assessed after 5:30 p.m. while we attempt to contact your child's ride and make sure someone is on their way. $10.00 after 5:40 pm, with $5.00 for every 10 minute increment following. Late fees will accrue in your student's compass account.
Parents are certainly welcome at any time to pick up their children early, however, we ask that you come in to retrieve your child should it be prior to the end of class time. We do not allow students to use their cell phones during Homework Hall or other After School classes.
There is no Extended Day on Fridays after 3:00 when classes and clubs end, so it is important to arrive at the school before or by that time, or have your child know how they should be getting home that day. Students may leave with carpools, or on their own for walking, biking, bus, Trax, etc. as usual.
Please make a plan with your child for Friday afternoons after 3:00 p.m.!